Web Design, Development & SEO



There's a multitude of factors to consider before embarking on a potentially complex digital project like building or redesigning your web site. Technical specifications relating to structure need to be met and a clear understanding of the business requirements short and long term is important in creating the frame work for functionality.

Let’s not forget design. How you as the business owner perceive your web site, and how users perceive your web site, can at times be quite different. Creating a web site for your users and not understating or undervaluing the design of the web site is as important as creating the right structure.


SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is major factor in planning and executing a successful digital marketing campaign.

Search engines reward original, quality optimised content. Google has over eighty five percent of the desktop search engine market share and it's crucial to understand how Google attributes weight or value to your site and domain.

Although Google has never publicly listed all the factors it takes into account when ranking content, it has confirmed that it uses about two hundred known ranking factors. The priority ranking signals in SEO include; web site architecture, domain security, inbound links, topic authority, keyword and search intent, content structure, metadata, image alt tags, and page speed.

It's highly complex and getting on the first page of Google doesn't happen overnight. Names and terms like Hummingbird, Rankbrain and advancement in AI algorithms may sound like a strange language, but to our SEO team, it's a language they understand fluently and comes into play with every campaign we implement.